How to Paint Your Kitchen Mixer

How to paint your kitchen mixerThe Step-By-Step Guide to Painting Your Kitchen Mixer

Look at your kitchen mixer. How does it make you feel?

We’re not talking about what it does, per se, but what it looks like. Take a good look at the color of your mixer. How does that make you feel?

There’s a proven psychological connection between color and mood. Certain colors can create angry, happy, or sad feelings. Depending on your environment, the same colors can make you feel more than one emotion.

Green, purple, and blue may make you feel sad in some instances. That’s why they call them “the blues.” However, in other contexts, these same colors may make you feel relaxed.

Yellow, orange, and red can produce feelings of anger or happiness. These are energetic colors that inspire strong emotions. Again, it depends on how they’re used.

What does this have to do with your kitchen mixer?

A lot, actually. If your mixer is still working after all these years but you’re tired of its dated, faded color, why not upgrade it? With some paint and some patience, your kitchen mixer can finally be the color of your dreams. Get your paint ready!

What you’ll need:

  • The mixer
  • An X-Acto knife
  • A screwdriver
  • Your new paint color (as spray paint)
  • Spray enamel gloss
  • Masking tape
  • A sanding block

Step 1: Take off all the parts of your mixer that can detach.

(Put these in the sink and wash them, if need be.)

Afterward, set these aside. You won’t need them until you’re done with the project.

Step 2: Clean your mixer

Depending on how new mixer is, where you got it from, the last time you used it, and where it’s been sitting, it may be a little dirty or filthy.

If it’s just a little dusty and grimy, use a wet paper towel and some cleaner. If the mixer is dirtier, an all-purpose cleaner will get it looking spotless again.

Step 3: Put masking tape on all metal parts that don’t come off

That includes screws, bolts, metal strips, hooks, and switches.

To be as precise as possible, feel free to use your X-Acto knife to cut off leftover tape around the screws. Then, using your fingernails, a pen cap, or another thin-tipped object, push hard on the tape.

Tip: To be on the safe side, you may want to put masking tape on the hand mixer wire, too. While it’s unlikely the mixer would stop working if the wire got a bit of paint on it, you don’t want to risk it. If you have an older mixer, it’s especially smart to take precautions.

Step 4: Rub the mixer with your sandblock.

Don’t miss any surfaces. Go slowly and gently.

You want to achieve a matte finish. You’re not trying to remove the paint, only the glossy finish. It’s easier to go back and redo a spot because you rubbed too little than it is to fix a spot if you rubbed too hard.

To keep dust from accumulating, use a wet cloth on the mixer between rubbing. You will have to do this multiple times before you’re done sanding.

Tip: You may want to do this part in your garage or even in your backyard instead of your kitchen. The dust from the sand can make a mess.

Step 5: Get ready to paint!

Go to a well-ventilated area (again, a garage or backyard).

Paint one coat at a time. Depending on the original color of your mixer and the desired color, it can take a few coats to achieve your preferred results.

Spray gently and lightly. Again, you can always add more paint later, but it’s tough to fix globs. In fact, doing too much at once could cause the paint to dribble, which would ruin your final result.

To prevent this, spray evenly and quickly.

Step 6: Let the mixer dry after the first coat.

You should wait several hours or let it sit overnight. The longer you let the mixer dry, the better.

Assess the state of your mixer after the first coat of paint. If you’re pleased, move on. If you’re not pleased, apply another layer of spray paint and let the mixer sit and dry.

Check on the mixer a few hours to a day later. If the color is still not what you were hoping (which does happen, so don’t be discouraged!), repeat the process. Hopefully, after three coats, you’ll love the new color of your mixer.

Step 7: Apply the spray enamel gloss to give your mixer the same glossy shine it had before you painted.

Use the same spray painting technique as above. Again, let the mixer dry overnight.

Step 8: Test how dry the mixer is. If any parts are still sticky, give it a few more hours to dry.

Once all parts of the mixer are completely dry, remove the masking tape. Reattach all metal parts.

Step 9: Enjoy your mixer, which will look brand new!

Bonus Tips:

  • Don’t forget about the backplate on your mixer. This needs to come off before you start painting.
  • Choose your paint color carefully. Make sure it’s not necessarily trendy but a color you really love.
  • It might take up to two or even three coats of the spray enamel gloss depending on the brand you buy. Follow those instructions.
  • Don’t forget to paint and gloss the underside of your mixer! This area is a bit trickier to reach, so be careful.

Repainting a kitchen mixer is a simple and fun DIY project. Why spend the money on a brand new mixer in a hot color when you can just paint it instead?

With some time and spray paint, you can have a kitchen mixer you’ll be proud to bake with.

Thinking of upgrading your mixer? Want to learn more about the mixer you already own? Kitchen Tool Reviews is a trusted reviews resource for all things kitchen mixers.

From stand mixers to hand mixers, you can read reviews, participate in giveaways, and browse helpful how-tos. Next time you buy a mixer, you’ll be educated. Visit Kitchen Tool Reviews today to learn more.

 Some Additional Resources For Your KitchenAid Mixer Project: